Data Sheets


CALMS CAL-PM Permanent Monitoring & Control

CALMS CAL-EDGE-PM Permanent Monitoring

CALMS CAL-CFC Flow Controller


CALMS CAL-EDGE-8 Audit logger




CALMS CAL-ULD Ultrasound detector


Measurement instrumentation

Current Transformer - Split coil

CAL-CT 50A Current Transformer - Split coil

Current transformer Split coil 50/20mA, 5VA cl:1 , 1 x AC phase pcs

CAL-CT 100A Current Transformer - Split coil

Current transformer Split coil 100/20mA, 5VA cl:1 , 1 phase pcs

CAL-CT 300A Current Transformer - Split coil

Current transformer Split coil 300/20mA, 5VA cl:1 , 1 phase pcs

CAL-CT 500A Current Transformer - Split coil

Current transformer Split coil 500/20mA, 5VA cl:1 , 1 phase pcs

Current Transformer - Rogowski Coil

CAL-ROG000000 Current Transformer - Rogowski Coil

Current Transformer Rogowski Split coil, 100A/4-20mA 5VA cl:1 , 1 pcs

CAL-ROG000100 Current Transformer - Rogowski Coil

Current Transformer Rogowski Split coil, 500A/4-20mA 5VA cl:1 , 1 pcs

CAL-ROG000200 Current Transformer - Rogowski Coil

Current Transformer Rogowski Split coil, 1000A/4-20mA 5VA cl:1 , 1 pcs

CAL-ROG010100 Current Transformer - Rogowski Coil

Current Transformer Rogowski Split coil, 500A/Modbus 5VA cl:1 , 1 pcs

Power meter

CAL-POM100100 Power meter

Power meter 3Ph, 400V, DIN Rail, Display, 3x500A CT Rogowski Split Coil, class:1 , RS485 Modbus

CAL-POM100200 Power meter

Power meter 3Ph, 400V, DIN Rail, Display, 3x1000A CT Rogowski Split Coil, class:1 , RS485 Modbus

Pressure sensor

CAL-CTX-16 Pressure sensor

Pressure Transducer 0-16 bar / 0-150PSI , 4-20mA, NTP200PSI, 0.5%, 12bit with connector.

CAL-A10-40 Pressure sensor

Pressure Transducer 0-40 bar / 0-580PSI , 4-20mA, 0.5%, 12bit with connector

CAL-DPT-3070-(16,100,1000) Differential Pressure Transducer

Differential Pressure Transducer 0-16KpA - 0,25%FS, 0-100 kPa - 0,5%FS, o-1000kpa, Pmax static 1MPa, 4-20 mA

Flow meter

CAL-S402 Thermal Flow meter

Flow meter, Modbus RTU / 4-20mA, Max flow 185 m/s, pipe DN 25-300, 1/2" Male NPT ,with connector M12, no display, Bluetooth mobile app

CAL-FS10I Thermal Flow meter

Flow meter FCI FS10I Flow monitor, 4-20mA, calibration 0-122 Nm/s, pipe DN 50-152 mm, 1/2" Male NPT, 12 bit, 2%, with connector


Temperature sensor

CAL-C-PT-PS/I Temperature sensor - Ambient wall mount application

Temperature sensor PT100 (ambient) C-PT-PS/I-30-50, -30 - +50C, 4-20 mA (wall mount design)

CAL-MWT200 Temperature sensor - Pipeline mount

Temperature sensor 0-200C, 4-20 mA, PT100, class.A, G1/2NPT, L=120mm

CAL-DEM10001 Dew Point Sensor

Dew Point sensor Mini with -60 - to +20degC +-2C, 4-20 mA, RS485 Modbus, power supply 24Vdc, aluminium casing, M8 with 5m cable, 1/4” Female Thread measuring chamber, No fittings

CAL-TDS100R-M2-H Ultrasonic Water Flow and Heat energy meter

  • The TDS100RM2-H is a fixed ultrasonic Heat Meter for continuous
  • measurement of volumetric flow and heat energy.
  • Accuracy: <1% of reading above 0.6ft/sec ( 0.2 m/sec)
  • Repeatability: 0.2% fixed installation
  • Temperature: 2x PT100
  • Pipe size: DN50 - DN700
  • Output: 1xRS485, 1x 4-20 mA, 2x DO
  • Temperature: -40 - +160 C

CAL-VIB11001 Vibration sensor

Vibration Sensor, M12 connector, no cable, 0-20 mm/sec range, 1/4" UNF 28 Female mount

CAL-UT-750 Ultrasonic mechanical

Ultrasonic Sensor that for continuous monitoring of changes in ultrasonic amplitude. The unit offers an overall dynamic range of roughly 100 decibels, and is configured for structure borne ultrasonic detection with analog outpu 4-20mA.

Sense ultrasonic amplitude changes and guards against unplanned downtime because of mechanical failure on compressor airend or motor bearings.

The levels of change are as follows:

  • lubrication failure: 8 db
  • beginning stages of failure: 16 db
  • catastrophic failure: 35 to 50 db

Loop powered connection diagram

Cable wire color connections

  • black : ground
  • red: power supply (vsupply) 18 to 30 vdc
  • yellow: audio - not used in CALMS
  • blue: sensitivity mode +10 to +30 vdc = max sensitivity ground = adjustable sensitivity - not used in CALMS
  • orange: Sensitivity adjustment normally open - momentary contact closure to ground - not used in CALMS
  • green: Sensitivity adjustment ttl signal, 5hz max - not used in CALMS
  • brown: 0 to 30 ma output maximum connect to ground for loop powered operation

CAL-ULD Ultrasonic Leak Detector - Android phone

Ultrasonic leak detector CALMS ULD for mobile devices with USB connection with Android application for CA waste assessment as per ISO11011. Sync CALMS.COM server for repair and reporting, immediate leak estimation flow and cost. (Phone or tablet not inclueded). Best for customer presentations and audits.

CAL-TAG NFC Leak Tags cards

Leak TAG NFC card 85x54x0.86mm plastic with hole - custom design - 200 pcs for multiple use (Survey / Repair leak)

  • Chip: Ntag213
  • Size: 85x54x0.86mm (CR80)
  • Finish: glossy
  • Print: CMYK 4 color offset printing
  • Hole round 3mm
  • Signature strip
  • SN number

CAL-LOG-TAG NFC Log Tags stickers

Equipment Log TAG NFC sticker 43 mm epoxy plastic for metal. CALMS design for Equipment daily digital log book - 20 pcs pack

  • NFC Sticker - epoxy , round dia.43mm
  • Chip: Ntag213
  • Material: PVC+epoxy finish
  • Feature: metal-resistant and waterproof surface



CALMS EDGE IO SD user manual

Compressed Air Management System ** CALMS EDGE IO SD User manual Online application: Contact: VER. : 2021.1.0.0 DATE: Febrauary 2021 Table of content 1Table of content2 2Introduction2

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