CALMS platform is based on energy systems. An energy system is a system designed primarily to provide energy-services to end-users. It includes all components related to the production, conversion, delivery, and use of the energy.
Our platform is designed for ongoing optimization of energy utilities like compressed air, steam, air conditioning (cooling, heating), gas, water in the industrial sectors.
Platform is connecting all relevant users on one place with dedicated tools to support energy efficiency and directives and standards like ISO50001, ISO55000, ISO11011 and CSA837.
First thing after registration to the platform is to create a System that is connected to a company and utility type.
Next step is to perform complete system setup. You don’t know how to create system?
Check out our getting started page to see how to create system and do the setup.
The system dashboard is a page for each individual system with the most important information about the system with direct links to more detailed pages:
System improvement opportunity cards by 5 steps under Assessment, Training, Audit, permanent monitoring and asset management Key performance indicators link to Reliability, Financials and Sustainability results Compressed air system Energy label based on system review System operation (Isentropic efficiency and specific power) link to monitoring System health link to Connectivity, Alerts, Maintenance System diagram link to SCADA view Customer selected indicators and targets - link to result page Guidance CALMS compressed air optimization platform, has taken a whole new approach to improve the reliability, financials and sustainability of compressed air systems.
SCADA, or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, is a crucial technology used in various industries, including compressed air and energy management. It’s like the central system for monitoring and controlling complex processes.
Result page is the main overview page for channels that are tagged as key performance indicators (KPI) and system channels. CALMS is aligned with the requirements of standard ISO 50006, Energy management systems — Measuring energy performance using energy baselines and energy performance indicators (KPI) — General principles and guidance, adapted for compressed air system.
The main equipment page is much like the one you’re all ready used to from the system setup process, but with a lot more useful information about your system’s equipment.
Alert page will show all active and inactive alarms and warnings with acknowledgement, direct link to more information on inspect graph and alert setup if you have system manager permission.
Employee engagement is crucial for optimizing the efficiency and reducing the energy consumption of compressed air systems. Well-trained and engaged employees can significantly contribute to identifying inefficiencies and suggesting improvements, leading to substantial cost savings and enhanced system performance.
Setup is the most important part for defining each system and must be filled completely to get the fully functional system.
The Setup menus are structured in 5 consequential steps : General, Equipment, Target, Channels and Permissions.
An energy assessment is an inspection survey and an analysis of energy flows for energy conservation in a system. Energy assessment should be always the first step after defining and setting the system.
Once you are familiar with the compressed air system based on system review, you can start an energy audit in order to determine potential energy savings.
Compressed air energy audit must be approached by studying three sides:
The Monitoring - Inspect page provides comprehensive insights into system performance through real-time and historical data analysis. It is designed for both temporary (audit) and permanent monitoring setups.
The Inspect page is designed for expert-level system measurement analysis and data interpretation.
Events Events give you an insight into how specific investments are paying off. You input the investment cost, duration in which you expect return of investment and what do you expect to improve.