Web Application Manual
Operator’s Manual
Web platform release
Web ver. : 1.4.14
Manual rev. : 2023.1.4.2
Last rev. date : Jan 2024

Online application : https://app.calms.com
Contact : info@calms.com or _support@calms.com _
Before installing, starting or using this application for the first time, this manual should be studied carefully to obtain a working knowledge of the application and or the duties to be performed while operating and maintaining your monitoring data.
Some actions in the application can cause data loss or wrong calculations and analysis.
To login into the application please visit https://app.calms.com/sl/login. There you must successfully enter a valid username and password for your account, which was created beforehand.
NOTE: If you have problems with the login process please contact us at support@calms.
This is multi-system page where you can compare all your selected active systems based on targets, KPIs for selected period: last hour, last day, last week or last month.
This is the main page for multi-system corporations to control all their systems on one single page, do the benchmarking.
Navigation panel and toolbar
A big part of the whole CALMS application is focused on individual system setup, control, monitoring, etc. This section encapsulates the aforementioned and much more.
This page multi-system page where you can compare wastes (leaks, inappropriate uses, artificial demand) among selected systems.
To get a general idea of the waste concept based on an assessment, check out the assessment page for an individual system.
The Multi-system Alert logs page is a lot like the Alert logs page for your individual system. The only difference between the two is that this page manages reports for all systems.
The Multi-system Reports page is a lot like the Reports page for your individual system. The only difference between the two is that this page manages reports for all of your systems.
The page contains a list of all your registered devices and is available only for device owners and CALMS partners. Under connection, device status and signal strength can be seen. Selecting device name will open the device dashboard.
You can find user settings in top right corner user icon or in the sidebar menu under “My account”. Here you can set your account data, do language settings and unit selections, notifications, password changes and phone text message setup.