Checklist: New system assessment setup

Initial setup procedure and regular yearly System Assessment verification.

  1. Fill or check complete SETUP: General,
  2. Fill complete SETUP: Details
  3. Fill complete SETUP: Scheme - draw basic or detail PI&D, add all equipment data and connect to measurements linked with devices
  4. Fill complete SETUP: Target - set target KPI and baseline period (general 1 week)
  5. Fill complete SETUP: Equipment - auto defined by PI&D
  6. Fill complete SETUP: Channels - auto set by PI&D, add calculations manually
  7. Fill complete SETUP: Alerts - set warnings, alarms
  8. Fill complete SETUP: Permissions -set permissions for all users (owner, expert, service, maintenance, ESCO..) invite end-user with invite function
  9. Start first Assessment valid for 1 year with General data and interview with notes, fill Efficiency and Reliability assessment together with end-user. Repeat assessments regular at least once per year or always when system changes.
  10. Start waste assessment (Leak, Artificial demand, Inappropriate used and significant end-uses identification)
  11. Start Energy System Audit with savings opportunity analysis
  12. Create and check monthly and yearly reports and all other special reports
  13. Set maintenance log for all equipment and Instrumentation for regular service and calibrations warnings
  14. Check monitoring on inspect page if all charts and graphs are present and have expected values. Use
  15. Analysis page to investigate if something is not working well
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